
Childcare Centre (CPE) La Gatinerie

A user-friendly management software

Ms. Hagarty has been using ACCEO Childcare Services software since 2001 to manage the early childhood center and the coordinating office La Gatinerie.

The coordinating office is responsible for managing 895 children's files. Given the workload involved, it is important to work efficiently and try to save time to meet the deadlines set by the government for the submission of documents and reports.

Ms. Hagarty emphasizes the benefit of multiple users being able to perform the same tasks in the software simultaneously:

« Entering data for 895 children takes a lot of time. With the Childcare Service module, we can enter different information together, thereby reducing the workload for each person and meeting often tight delivery deadlines.»

« We chose ACCEO SDG for its ease of use and because it met all our management needs.»

In a childcare service, managing personnel requires great attention to avoid errors. As Ms. Hagarty reveals :

« Producing salaries with the Human Resources module of ACCEO SDG software not only allows me to save costs but also to limit the risks of errors in calculating employee wages.»

According to her, the software stands out for the quality of customer service offered:

« Customer service is very important to us. It is also what motivated our choice of software.»



Childcare Centre (CPE) Le Petit Lutin

A user-friendly management software Stephanie Dugas Crousset, accounting clerk at Le Petit Lutin daycare center in Sept-Îles, has been using ACCEO Childcare Services software since 2009. Unlike other management software she has worked with in the past, Ms. Dugas finds…...

Daycare Cœur d’Enfant

A simple and fast management software To equip herself effectively for managing Daycare Cœur d’Enfant, Véronique Bourgault purchased the ACCEO Childcare Services management software in 2001, a choice she doesn’t regret. Firstly, Ms. Bourgault states that learning the software happens…...

Childcare Centre (CPE) du Centre-Ville

« The Tiempo Electronic Signatures tool from ACCEO Childcare Services allows us to save valuable time. We are very pleased with its use.» Document management is significantly streamlined. We no longer need to manually compile paper documents and manage unsigned…...